Apr 13, 2018
Scooter talk, bar reviews, and a haunted pizza joint are the features of this wide-ranging exploration onto our narrow world of the paranormal. A look back to our last episode, "Tote-Gotes & UFO's" with sister Gaye's actual story of the Maury Island UFO sighting and experience, plus the Oregon Ghost Conference, and the Burien UFO Festival, this is one scooter ride you may have trouble keeping up with! #burienufofestival #ufo #mauryislandincident #oregonghostconference #bufo #ghost #paranormal #londonchophouse #wickedpiepizza #themill #blt #stuckjunction #vixensofhorror #oregonghosttours #thechalet #thepowerhouse #vespa #scooters #divebars