Jul 24, 2017
Another season and new adventures in the afterlife on Scooters with Ghosts and Bars. Our second season begins with PubScoot 17, a goal of (40) bars in (4) days as we travel to Tacoma, Vashon Island, West Seattle, White Center, Georgetown, Renton, Cumberland, Enumclaw, Buckley, Kapowsin, Elbe, and Ashford, (Just in the first 2 days). A wonderful evening in Georgetown at The Stables with the Meet & Greet of the Amerivespa Rally and a cruise through mid-Washington State with our Chasing Ghosts crew. Plenty of scooter time, paranormal stories, and edgy fun!
#amerivespa #vespaclubofamerica #vcoa #paranormal #vespalife #modernvespa #haunted #divebars #classicpubs #defiantgoldfish #hardwarestore #endolynjoes #macstrianglepub #noblebarton #seattlevespa #ghosts #thestables #squareknot #whistlestop #kapowsinalehouse #elbetavern #cityhallsaloon @chasingghostspod #weeknites #mtsthelgens #highlander