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The podcast about the modern scooter lifestyle with a twist of the paranormal over a cool cocktail.  If you like scooters, ghosts, and bars, this may be for you.

Oct 31, 2020

A full dedicated conversation about strip mall bars and a great chat with the "Shepard of Bars" Peter Andresjeski of about the current state of Covid-closing bar affairs, Scooter News with Janus Motorcycles, and a bit of Spooky News.  This is too good to pass up, though we would understand if you did! Lots of Scooter Talk, Bar Reviews, and Ghost Stories.  #weeknites #janusmotorcycles #ghostbikerexplorations #transamericatrail #julesmaes #aberdeen #theswiss #theattic #rebar #wildliferefuge #thebrickyard #jpstavern #paranormal #ghost #vespa #divebar #cactus #smartypants #seahawks #vespa #billysbarandgrill